Bill took Sharon to visit Ruslan today so I could stay "home" with the older kids and catch up on school and laundry. They had a good visit and he said Ruslan looked a little panicked when it was time for them to leave. This is one of those painful steps in adopting here. You want them to bond with you, but at the same time, when they do, the separations get more and more painful. Lovely system.
I also spent time with the road/bus/metro map trying to find another route to get to Vorzel (there just has to be a better way). Bill got there in about 2.5 hours this time, but it's still an amazingly long time to travel 17 miles. I think it was a good visit, and this habit of taking turns to go out there will be a lifesaver for us. It's a really LONG day. They left at 8am and got back about 3pm, totally wiped out.
We'll all go again as a family tomorrow (Saturday). I have to learn the metro/bus route so that I can do it alone, without Bill. I'm generally herding cats while Bill is looking at the maps. We could take a taxi every day, but it's about $50 a day, vs $7 to take public transportation ($.15 each for the subway and $1 each for the bus to Vorzel).
It's going to add up over time, but I'm so grateful to have the kids nearby, I don't care. ...Thank goodness we took the children with us here! Occasionally I make a right decision.
I hope you can figure out the Metro. Nadyia gace us directions intially so maybe check with her. And possibly wher you got the apartment they can help you too! It should not be that long! Good luck. You should never have to switch trains. ONce again: Ruslan is so lucky!!